Philippines Expat Health Insurance Guide

Philippines Flag

Health Insurance in Philippines, Asia

Information expatriation

Capital City: Manila
Total area: 300,000 km2
Population: 88,574,614 (2007)
Money: Currency Converter
Time Zone: List of time Zones by Country
Calling Code: +63 XXX

Practical Information:

Wikipedia Philippines

Health Product: Travel Insurance and Health insurance
Health Insurance information and Sanitary Risk: World Health Map
BLOG: Expat Health insurance Information


Here is a brief description of the healthcare system in the country:

·      The Philippines has a universal healthcare system comprised of both public and private sectors. It aims to provide affordable and accessible care to all citizens.

·      The public system includes thousands of rural health units and district hospitals run by the Department of Health. It focuses on primary care.

·      Around 25% of the population relies on public services while 75% have private health insurance, typically through their employer.

·      Major private hospitals and clinics are found in metropolitan areas and complement the public network.

·      Healthcare spending is around 4.5% of GDP split between government subsidies, private insurance, and out-of-pocket payments.

·      Coverage has expanded greatly but challenges remain around affordability, doctor shortages, and uneven quality between regions.

·      Leading health issues include communicable diseases, nutritional/maternal health issues, non-communicable diseases.

·      Both sectors provide generally adequate care though quality differences exist depending on location and provider.

·      The system aims to achieve universal health insurance coverage over time through expanding public subsidies and services.

·      In summary, the Philippines blends a growing public primary care network with extensive private health insurance or direct payment options to work toward universal accessibility nationwide.


Here are some key health considerations for expatriates living in the country:

·      Purchase comprehensive private health insurance since public options have limitations in certain areas. This provides coverage flexibility.

·      Understand risks of tropical diseases like dengue and get recommended disease prevention vaccines before traveling to rural regions.

·      Infrastructure and availability of specialized services varies greatly between urban and rural locations. Develop self-evacuation contingency plans if needed.

·      Carry adequate supplies of prescription medications rather than relying on availability in all areas.

·      Mental health options have more limited availability than physical health services. Create personal support systems.

·      Spanish/English abilities are important for optimal interactions, especially outside major metropolitan areas. Consider translation assistance.

·      Thoroughly review insurance policies regarding coverage amounts, claim processes, eligible providers and facilities.

·      Road travel safety should be taken seriously given conditions, practices and risks in some regions.

·      Register with your embassy in an emergency and keep important documents like proof of insurance on hand at all times.

·      With due diligence on preventative care, insurance and planning alternatives, expats can generally access reasonable healthcare across the Philippines.
