Kidnap & extortion insurance: In a dangerous world, we got your back!
Our insurance solution is a specialty crime coverage against loss by the surrender of property as a result of a threat of harm to the named insured, an employee, or a relative or guest of the insured or the insured's employees.
Let's illustrate our case:
Scenario 1
You’ve just learned that seven of your company’s engineers have been taken hostage in a foreign country in which you have launched a massive project.
The kidnappers are demanding US $89 million in exchange for their lives.
How do you respond?
Scenario 2
Your company’s website has just been hacked.
A message appears on the home page, threatening a mass contamination of your beverage product unless you pay $10 million.
What's your first move?
Scenario 3
You are a member of a wealthy family.
Your son is kidnaped.
What do you do?
Scenario 4
You’re an international construction company, working on an extensive project.
Your organization begins to receive calls, with death threats to employees and their families, unless US $7 million is paid.
Who do you turn to?
You turn to your Brokerslink specialized partner.
With a global network of highly specialized consultants, Think Insurcare is specializing in providing solutions relative to kidnapping, extortion, and maritime piracy.
Insured events: Kidnap/Extortion/Wrongful detention/Hijack/Threat event/Disappearance/Express kidnap
Summary of benefits:
- Independent professional fees:
Public relations consultant and/or interpreter
Forensic analysts
Legal advice
- Medical & recovery costs:
Psychiatric, medical and dental care
Cosmetic or plastic surgery
Rest and rehabilitation expenses
Job retraining costs
- Security and resolution costs:
Temporary physical security measures
Communications and recording equipment
Reward to an informant
In case of hijack, landing and take-off fees, refueling charges and transportation of all occupants of a hijacked conveyance to their final destination
- Travel:
Travel and accommodation for the victim and his immediate family
- Remuneration:
Salary, bonuses and commissions
Replacement salary
Salaries of employees assisting in the negotiations
Personal financial loss
- Other costs:
Interest on loans
Search for explosives or other harmful materials
Electronic sweeps for bug or other electronic listening devices
- Optional coverage:
Business interruption/Assault/Tiger kidnaping/Evacuation and repatriation/Child abduction/Hostage crisis